Is It Against The Law To Magnet Fish? Magnet Fishing Laws

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Written By sludge_pirate

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Magnet fishing has become a popular sport amongst many due to curiosity about what lies in the bedrock of different water bodies. Besides curiosity, it’s a very addictive sport, and it requires magnet fishing rules for people to work within the limit.

You could still be wondering why is it called magnet fishing? It’s because a strong magnet (neodymium magnet) is cast in the water to fish out treasures that lie at the bottom of water bodies.

Now that you are aware of this practice, your next question would be about magnet fishing rules and their provisions. At the moment, some states in the US don’t have magnet fishing rules, but some such as South Carolina have specific laws. In the UK, they have set magnet fishing rules which might require you to have a license to magnet fish.

However, there are areas where magnet fishing is prohibited. Also, how you handle some objects could result in legal problems. Read on to find out.

Is Magnet Fishing Legal in the US?

The US magnet fishing laws, which barely exist, allow you to magnet fish in all states except South Carolina. Therefore, this is to say, magnetic fishing is a legal practice.

Is Magnet Fishing Illegal in the UK?

According to the Canal & River Trust, formerly known as the British Waterways, magnetic fishing is extremely dangerous because it’s a dredging practice.

Therefore, the public is prohibited from the practice in all the canals and waterways under their management.

Despite this, in places where magnet fishing is allowed, it’s governed by metal detector laws similar to those in the US.

For instance, such laws state that you do not need a license to use metal detecting equipment. In other sections, they have banned magnet fishing in archaeologically important areas, but you will need permission for magnet fishing on private property.

Do the UK magnet fishing laws require a License?

Yes, you need a license or, rather, permission to do any magnet finishing activities, and this includes on both public and private land.

Why is Magnet fishing illegal in SC?

The magnet fishing game in South Carolina is illegal, and the reason is to protect the undisturbed shipwreck that is yet to be studied by professional archaeologists. Any magnet fishing at the moment can destroy the submerged antiques. But you can freely continue, or start magnet fishing in other states like North Dakota, South Dakota and others as long as it’s public land. You can ask for permission to magnet fish in areas with private property.

What are the Magnet Fishing Laws?

Most of the magnet fishing rules in The UK are unclear, but here is a brief of some of them.

  • Avoid trespassing at all costs by seeking permission from relevant authorities and landowners for private property.
  • Report any suspicions you may have to the authorities.
  • Report all magnetic finds you may consider of historical importance.
  • Accurately record find spots to assist in archaeological research.
  • Leave find spots as clean and tidy as possible.
  • Accord respect to the country code.

Can you Magnet Fish Anywhere in the UK?

No, you can only magnet fish on private property, but with permission. Canals, waterways and rivers are out of bounds.

Which are the Best Places to do Magnetic Fishing?

Magnetic fishing requires a lot of patience. Some research though will help you find very valuable items. In addition to your own research, here are the best places to consider. But first, ensure it’s public property. Nevertheless, you can seek permission to go magnet fishing on private property to avoid being on the wrong side of trespassing laws.

Urban lakes, rivers, local swimming holes and ponds, where visitors frequent, are some good areas to try.

Public beaches are among the best places to start magnetic mining because you do not need a fishing license or a permit. For some, all you need is your fishing magnets equipment (powerful magnets, strong ropes, etc.), and you are good to enjoy your hobby.

Areas with historical significance are also good since you can find artifacts or old relics.

You can find some treasure in city ditches and canals, but these are some of the dangerous places to go magnetic fishing.

What are Salvage Laws, and how do they affect Magnetic Fishing?

Finding treasures that are affected by wreck and salvage laws is rare. But when it does happen, how do these regulations affect the ownership of your magnet fishing treasures.

In summary, According to the UK salvage laws, you will be fined between £1,000 to £2,500 or imprisonment not more than five years for the following offenses.

  1. Failure to declare treasures from wrecks.
  2. Refusing to surrender wreck treasures to owners who had not abandoned the wrecks.
  3. Selling undeclared wreck treasures.
  4. Hindering, by defacing, concealing and destroying attempts to save wreck vessels.

Reporting treasures obtained from magnetic fishing will see you receive salvage rewards or the treasure itself if the owner willingly forges the item.

Can you keep Guns you find Magnet Fishing?

To begin with, the chances of finding guns in US waters are thin. However, you stand a chance if you are magnet fishing in sites with historical battles. Suppose you find one, do not keep it. It is advisable to contact the local authorities with a non-emergency number to inform them. Owning a gun that doesn’t have a serial number would lead to serious legal issues if found.

What are the Requirements to Start Magnet Fishing?

The requirements to start magnet fishing are few, and they are as follows

First is the fishing magnet, and it should be a powerful double-sided magnet. You can consider the Neodymium magnet one of the most powerful ones. This is because picking magnetic material covered in rust and debris will require a strong magnetic force. Besides, you may find heavy objects hence the need for a powerful magnet.

Secondly, you will need a strong rope that exceeds the magnetic pull force of your magnet.

Last on the list is a pair of gloves and a bucket. The gloves are for protecting your hands when removing sharp and rusty objects from the magnet. The bucket helps to hold your finds for easy movement to the next spot.

Final Thoughts

Now that you are aware that magnet fishing isn’t illegal in some states, you can choose to do it as a hobby or decide to do money magnet fishing to generate additional income. Before you pick the location you want to magnet fish, ensure you research if there are any magnet fishing rules that govern the area.

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