What Size Magnet Is Best For Magnet Fishing?

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Written By sludge_pirate

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When you understand the concept of magnet fishing and what it outlines, you can easily understand what it takes to magnet fish. Magnet fishing hobbyists have made magnet fishing seem easy to grasp, which in any case is genuine. It isn’t that hard to learn, but you have to find the right fishing magnet for the job.

Various types of equipment go into magnet fishing, such as the magnet, rope, carabiner, thread locker, gloves, and grappling hook. This article will guide you in picking the size of the magnet.

Experienced magnet fishers pick the right size of fishing magnet depending on the type of water body and the finds you expect. But, in general, picking fishing magnets will rely on the user. For example, you can’t give a kid a 1000lb magnet.

The right size of magnet can start at 400lbs, not too weak and not too strong. Strong magnets have more pulling force, so you will need extra pull force if you catch an oversized item.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Magnet Fishing Magnets

Type of Magnets

Different types of magnets have a pulling force, but they are not strong magnets. A strong magnet should be able to handle anything from small coins to bicycles.

The best magnets are called neodymium magnets and are made by Brute Magnetics. The neodymium magnets have been created in different ways for effectiveness. Here are different types of magnetic fishing magnets.

Flat Ring Magnet

The flat ring magnet is an excellent magnet for slow-moving water and on piers and bridges. It is a small hockey-puck sized magnet with a loop mounted at the top. Their pulling force starts at 300lbs up to 2100lbs.

Cone-Shaped Magnet

The cone-shaped magnet is inserted into a metal cone for easier drag. The metal cone prevents the magnet from getting stuck on debris underwater. The cone comes together with the magnet fishing bundle. Its pulling force starts at 375 lbs.

Double-Sided Magnet

Both sides of this magnet are magnetic. With this magnet, you’ll be able to catch metal objects from both sides. This type of magnet is best for areas with high currents to ensure that you can hold the objects from any side.

Magnet Fishing Techniques

The type of technique you use for magnet fishing can determine the right size of the magnet. There are two types of methods for magnet fishing, that is; Bobbing and dragging.


Bobbing involves throwing a fishing magnet from the edge of the river, a bridge, pier, or docks. Once you drop the magnet, you let it sink, then pull it up slowly. This method does not require a big magnet, but if your treasure hunting gets you a big object, you’ll need a magnet with better pulling force.


Dragging involves throwing the fishing magnet into the water and dragging it backwards. The magnet will catch iron and other items as you drag it along the surface.

This technique will require a strong neodymium magnet with a strong pull force.

Magnet Fishing Finds

It is the first thing that should come into mind when you think of the size of the magnet fishing magnets. You can find different things, from small objects to heavy objects. The object’s weight should be smaller than the pulling force of the magnet.

Also, it depends on the location of the magnet fishing. For instance, a river near a park can have oversized objects than an area free from people. A person can lose a valuable item while walking in the park. Some people ride bikes and skates in the park, and the bike can fall into the water and get lost. These are things that happen. Naturally, an area with more people can have heavy objects which need a strong magnet with enough pull force.


The magnet fishing location is key when you want to find the magnet size. The magnet you use for fishing in a river can’t be the same for a lake. The river has calm water, while the lake can have waves with a strong current.

You can choose medium neodymium magnets with a pulling force of 500lbs to 1000lbs for rivers. Since the water is calm, it becomes easier to pull an object out of the water.

You can use large magnets in rivers or lakes with strong currents. The water can swap a medium magnet, but a large magnet can withstand the force of the water. It shouldn’t be a huge magnet because it will be heavy to carry or throw into the water.

Features Your Fishing Magnets Must Have.

A good magnet should have the following features;

  • Neodymium magnets
  • N42 grade or higher
  • Strong coating
  • Fasteners
  • Pulling force

Neodymium Magnet

A good magnet should have the rare earth magnet known as neodymium. The magnet is made of Neodymium, Iron, and boron alloy. It makes it a strong magnet since neodymium creates its own magnetic, thus making it a permanent magnet.

N42 Grade

The grade is the strength of the magnetic field of a magnet. A magnet with a grade of 42 or higher is strong. Generally, if a magnet has a higher grade, it has a stronger pulling force.

Strong Coating

A coating is made for a magnet to ensure the magnet doesn’t rust. When it erodes, it loses its strength. The layer is made of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni). This combination forms a coating around the magnet to protect it from damage.


A fastener will give you an option to attach anything to the magnet. You screw in the hook or eye bolt on the magnet fishing magnet.

Pulling Force

The pulling force of an exemplary magnet starts at 400lbs. While the pulling force is not strong, it can handle many items. If you are into intense magnet fishing, then go with a fishing magnet that has over 1000lbs.

Further Thoughts

A good magnet size can be responsible for your good catch. Each magnet is unique and can be used in different conditions. You should know the right magnet size for you. Pick a good magnet from your choices and start your magnet fishing journey.

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