How To Retrieve Your Magnet When Magnet Fishing

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Written By sludge_pirate

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Once in a while, a magnet fisherman can lose their magnet due to unavoidable circumstances. You have to be prepared for the day when fun turns to horror in your magnet fishing trip.

The thing about magnet fishing is that you don’t know what you will pull out of the water. For example, if you bought a 400 to 600lb magnet and find stuff weighing over 700 lbs, the magnet might not have enough pulling force. That means the magnet might get stuck with the objects while you are trying to pull them up. As a result, the rope linking the magnet to you can break.

Magnets have a rating, which under normal circumstances is perfect, but when you find an object with rust or is in bad shape, the rating becomes imperfect. These conditions can result in your magnet getting stuck. These magnet fishing tips are essential to ensure you don’t lose your magnet.

In this article, we are to give you a few tips to help you retrieve your magnets.

Magnet fishing tips for retrieving your magnet

There are various methods that you can use to retrieve stuck magnets. These magnet fishing tips include using

  • Pulleys,
  • Use a dowel,
  • Ratchet straps,
  • Levers.


A pulley is a method used to reduce the pulling force from the metal, and in return, it disengages from the metal. There are two different ways of using this pulley system.

First, you need to have a strong rope to handle the weight. Find an object that can’t move, such as a tree, and tie the rope. If you can access the stuck magnet, tie the other the end of the rope with a Palomar knot. Then wrap a thick stick between the rope and twist it till the magnet gets loose.

The second method is to use a pulley to reduce the pulling force to create a z drag pulley. If it is a double-sided magnet or a heavy magnet, you can use the double z drag, but you will need a high-quality rope for effectiveness.

z-drag magnet fishing pulley

Use a Dowel

This method is relatively complex if you lose the magnet deep into the river bed, but it can work near the shore or areas you can reach using a boat.

A dowel is a circular, long piece of wood that acts as a magnet separator. Make a notch at the end of the dowel and slide the rope through, and follow it to the magnet. Once you are the magnet, push it until it is free.

Ratchet straps

Ratchets work well regardless of the location of the magnet. If you are near the magnet, tie one end of the magnet to the ratchet strap, and if it’s not in reach, tie it to the other end of the rope. Ensure you tie with the best knot to avoid getting loose.

Then, tie the other end of the ratchet strap to a tree or an object that can’t move. Crank the ratchet with force until the magnet is loose. Never use bare hands when cranking. Always use quality gloves for a better grip.


Using a wedge is another simple method of separating a magnet from an object. Ensure that the wedge is wooden to avoid getting stuck on the neodymium magnet.

To unstick the magnet from the object, push the widget slowly between the magnet by either pushing the magnet or hitting the wedge with a hammer. Once some parts of the magnet start getting loose, its magnetic force will weaken, making it easier to pull the magnet.

Tips to avoid losing your magnet when magnet fishing

Losing one magnet is acceptable, but losing more than one magnet during magnet fishing. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the best magnet fishing tips.

Here are a few tips that have helped magnet fishermen from losing their magnets.

Use Cone Housing

Cone housing is a method to prevent an object from snagging your fishing magnet. For instance, a bare magnet can snug in between rocks, thus getting stuck, but the cone slide through these surface.

A cone is helpful in areas that have rough surfaces on which the magnet can stick. The rope will break, and you’ll lose it if you try pulling a snugged magnet.

Get a good rope

A rope with a good knot is as important as a magnet when magnet fishing. Without a good rope, you might end up losing all your magnets. The rope should handle more lbs than a fishing magnet during magnet fishing.

For this reason, purchase a thick braided line rope made of nylon. Nylon is stronger than any other fiber, and it is resistant to rods and floats.

Check your magnet fishing knots

Most people have lost their magnets because they didn’t use good knots. Knots can attract mud and debris during the drop. Clear the dirt from the knot before it is attached to the fishing magnet.

It would be best to cut off the rope’s end once it starts to wither due to stress. A withered rope might not handle the pull. Also, before a drop, ensure you have the best knot. There are many knots that you can use. Conduct an online search to find a suitable knot for your gear. Once you find the best knot, tie it and throw the rope while giving it a tug to ensure it is tight.

Pulling force and speed

When you catch a fish, you must pull faster to remove it from the water, but when in magnet fishing, when you grab an object, you pull slowly to the surface.

Pulling fast and jerking can cause stress to the rope, and after some time, it snaps underwater. It can make you lose your fishing magnet. When your magnet is stuck, you can jerk the rope to help the magnet release from the object.

Further Thoughts

You know ways to help yourself when you have a magnet stuck somewhere. Ensure that your neodymium magnet is stored separately from metal objects if you are not fishing. It is strong and can attach to a metal object close to it.

Ensure your magnet is not stuck by implementing the magnet fishing tips provided to avoid this problem.


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